TESTivity is the only pre-license test prep provider confident enough in their product and process to offer a money back guarantee.
The TESTivity Guarantee is simple. When you complete the Virtual Learning Experience and pass our simulated final exam; you are ready to pass the actual exam and get the license…Guaranteed.
That’s right…We guarantee you will pass. If you don’t, we will refund 100% of your money.
In fact, we are so confident in your success that we will take our No Pass/No Pay Guarantee one step further and...
Yeah. You read that right.
We will give you 100% of your money back
Reimburse the cost of the exam.
Whether it is a single course or a comprehensive training program for your employees, at TESTivity we stand behind our products and back them with this Iron Clad, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee.
"This guarantee is our commitment to you. It demonstrates the confidence we have in our products and in our ability to get you licensed. We are committed to your success and will always do our very best to Get You Licensed…Guaranteed!"
--Zack Luna, CEO
There is no fine print, just some reasonable expectations. We are here to help you pass your exam and our proven approach is the absolute best way to prepare.
To pass your exam on the 1st attempt:
1. Complete the TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience and final exam with a cumulative score of 85% or better.
Open book...Take it as many times as you want!
2. Take the ACTUAL EXAM within 10 days of completing the Virtual Learning Experience. (While it is still fresh in your head)
It is that simple. If you complete the Virtual Learning Experience and take the exam as soon after your course as possible YOU WILL PASS.
If you go through our process and do not pass your exam, we did not do our job.
We will refund 100% of your tuition AND REIMBURSE YOUR EXAM FEE. We only ask that you provide your course completion certificate, confirmation of a failing score and the receipt for your exam fee--post marked within 5 calendar days of failing your exam.
Send to: TESTivity PO BOX 910555 Saint George UT 84791.
This is the Best Guarantee in the industry.
We will not refund a student who does not comply with the above conditions.
Access to the Virtual Learning Experience will be terminated immediately when refund is issued.